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If people want to know why I put up this website, look at the page I just put up (ON THIS THIS PAGE). Some might see it as a form of harassment …… I certainly do. Or, are the Mormons utilizing a new phase of missionary work, using Facebook now?  Maybe so, it probably saves a lot of gas …… and a lot less knocking on doors. I use Facebook, every month or so. Look at the posting. They put up their “calling card” at the same time I was posting a link to my other website. (Notice: it says the MORMON CHANNEL). In other words, they knew I was online. How did they know that? I will leave it to your imagination. ……….a lot more to follow.
Harassment...... They have a motive  ...... they don't like the website. I find this very petty and have lost my respect for the Church and its membership because of this....Sorry for the messy notes on the page. Note the Mormon Channel posting.
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